The past 3 days I haven’t been able to have a spare moment to breath. It’s not that I can’t have time to do things, it’s that I have just enough time to do the necessary things, so it’s causing me to always be in gear. To be fair, I could’ve just cut down on my nights by half an hour the past 3 days and I probably wouldn’t be completely tired. I’m ahead of myself right now, what’s the issue you might be thinking?
Well, I go to gym, cook, read, study, and work during the week, daily. Now since Monday I learned to make my own yoghurt (more on that some other time, too long to explain) but in doing so I didn’t have time to do my meal prep for the week. So I split meal prep over the past few days. That is ok, but it’s meant I stay up an extra hour each night to do so to try and get ahead. Then there’s going to the gym, I have not been lazy and won’t allow myself excuses to not go.
The workouts have been exhausting but I have kept myself in toe with my expectations for effort. I fear injury a little but to deal with that I pay close attention at the gym and only thrice have I had to stop a set out of preventing a shoulder injury benching.
Sleep has been limited to 4~5 hours a night for these days… That’s been the tough part. Even still, during all these days I’ve had to run around to avoid being late, or ensure I can continue carrying out my shopping and so on.
It’s been a tiring week. But I didn’t put the word “try” in my thoughts. I just DID! Whatever may come of it after was my mentality. Turns out tonight (now) I’ve caught up… Thank fuck! haha 🙂
Gym, reading, meal prep, studying, work all done today. It’s 12:15 am now. Time to shower, lay in bed, play games a bit to unwind and sleep before 2 am to wake up at 8 am, or even 8:30 am if I’m feeling rewarding for myself.