Went to bed at 3 and got woken up at 7 from needing to visit the bathroom. After which my gut wouldn’t stop prompting me to visit the bathroom constantly, but produce nothing. I’m assuming I’m constipated since yesterday I had a lot more fiber than usual. But that meant I couldn’t fall back asleep since my stomach wouldn’t allow that :/

Instead, decided to just get cracking at my daily tasks. Programming, reading, and now even posting on my website are all checked off for the day. That means tonight, I can simply play games, or get some R&R.

Also, trying to get the warranty used for one of my laptops, the keyboard dock is wonky and I’m hoping I can manage to get a replacement dock for it. The device would be perfect as a linux machine if not for the fact the keyboard disconnects at the mention of motion. I’ll see how that goes, but I’d be willing to buy a replacement keyboard (not at this time, when I have disposable income to use).

Now I’m sleepy, gotta try taking a nap, then get ready for work.

Last modified: April 30, 2019
