I went to gym yesterday, still a bit tired and sore from Sunday’s workout…
I ate, took my pre workout supplements, set my music, and looked in the mirror and thought “today I see how much is my max squat”.
2 months ago when I started squatting my goal was 55kg. In my workouts I do 9 reps of 40kg. They’re very difficult after the 3rd set but feel good.
Got to the gym last night, looked at the squat rack and started warming up.
Bar squat. 30kg. 40kg. 50kg… felt good! 55kg. Tough but not hard. 60kg… 1 rep felt great, did a 2nd rep and failed. The weight fell off my back and crashed to the ground. Very loud noise, everyone in the gym stared at me…
Picked the bar up, took a 5 minute rest and did it again. 60kg, 2 reps! Success!
55kg goal smashed now, but… I did 60kg for 2 reps… I can do more. Loaded 65kg and took a 5 minute rest.
Fear. Anxiety. Nervousness. Placed the bar on my back, braced, unracked the bar and stepped back. Deep breath. Success! It felt fantastic! I maybe could’ve gone higher but I instead took 5 minutes rest and attempted 65kg again to make sure it wasn’t a fluke.
Today I feel dead haha but I’m still so excited about succeeding the lift yesterday! 🙂