Don’t have much to report, and rather it is late so I don’t want to spend too much time typing nonsense away. I went to gym and tested some techniques for better muscle activation from Jeff Cavaliere’s Dumbbell Bench Press video. It worked wonders for my bench press, I could actually feel my left side better than it usually was, and finally both my left and right side were equally fatiguing. That was a relief.
I further tested his cable crossover suggestion from his The PERFECT chest workout video. Surely enough, it did wonders for making my chest pop as I walked around the gym (hehe). Today was a very nice day ๐Ÿ™‚

That said, I recently bought a Ticwatch Pro to help track my vitals and all the analytical jazz. I attempted to track my entire strength workout with no stopping of the app for roughly 2 hours, and it fucking crashed literally on my last set of the day! I lost all that wonderful analytical data. Next time, I’ll stop it at the halfway point of my workout, or after an hour. Whichever comes first.
After that I went out and met up with some new friends and had a nice chat explaining grammar and translation nuances between Japanese and English. It was so fun! I enjoy the systematic function of grammar and how we go about constructing our thoughts and then transitioning them into spoken word. The best part is when you say to someone “the meaning you want to carry across is this, right? So, to do that try saying this—” and watching their face just snap into an epiphany is joyous.

It’s late now, and I can wrap up this post. I have 6 tasks I perform within a week, 4 of them are daily tasks. They are:

  • Read a book (daily)
  • Develop a game (daily)
  • Save money (weekly)
  • Track calories (daily)
  • Went to the gym (5 times/week)
  • Post on my website (3 times/week)

Just finished Develop a game task now, already tracked my calories for the day too. Next is to shower, read a book, then head to bed to rest for gym tomorrow. Hopefully the fucken tracking app won’t crash again. Regardless, I can sleep today knowing I ended the day better than my morning self. Another step forward. ๐Ÿ™‚

Last modified: April 21, 2019
