So it’s Ramadan! I’m surprised with how it has turned out so far 1 week into it. I anticipated a lot of issues around my nutrition and training, however it’s not as bad as initially thought. It’s basically intermittent fasting(with the added inability to drink fluids). What I thought would happen:

  • Fat gain due to less physical activity
    • This would be from my body trying to achieve homeostasis. Less training = less need for muscles. So break down the muscles for energy during the day, keep the fat stores for later.
  • Caffeine withdrawal crash
  • Inability to stay awake during the day
  • Exhaustion during work when teaching kids classes
  • Can’t go to the gym(no time or energy)

What actually happened?

  • Initial fat gain, then back to muscle growth due to training regime change
    • This led to overall weight gain, but it was lean mass gain. I actually lost fat! Thank god haha
  • Slight caffeine withdrawal headaches
    • I was taking roughly 400mg+ caffeine a day(600mg+ on training days). I went cold turkey from caffeine about 5 days before the start of Ramadan in anticipation for the struggle. I crashed hard over the weekend, extreme fatigue and drowsiness. However now my body has adjusted after roughly 2 weeks cold turkey, absolutely 0 caffeine.
    • However headaches persisted into the 2nd week, specially when I had less than 6 hours sleep and in the early afternoons. Once I could eat after sunset, the headaches subsided slightly.
  • I still wake up early, in fact earlier and consistently.
    • Since I eat roughly a days worth of nutrition (my current nutrition is 2000 ~ 2200 calories per day) I get woken up in the morning around 8 AM every damn day to visit the bathroom… Then I can’t fall asleep again because I feel awake but tired… It’s OK on days off, but on work days it’s frustrating.
  • Exhaustion during early afternoon
    • Around 2 ~ 4PM is the peak of my fatigue. It hasn’t reduced at all. On days I have kids though, it’s actually easier on me than I expected. Mainly due to the fact I don’t have to concentrate too hard(and my children are mostly wonderful clever people ๐Ÿ™‚ ).
  • Power output at the gym is unhindered!
    • This surprised me so much! However I don’t have time to do my 5 day/week training regime I’m used to because of gym closing hours lining up poorly with my breakfast after sunset.
    • Now I do 3~4 day a week strength training, lifting heavy. My strength improved for my major lifts!! Now I’m using the big boy weights at the dumbbell rack haha ๐Ÿ™‚

That was longer than anticipated… Well time to eat, it’s 1:50AM and I still need to fit 1000 calories in within the next hour and a half! Night!

Last modified: May 13, 2019
